1. Were blocked on a simple problem:
What was the problem? I could not figure out how to show the method example in the terminal.
What problem-solving techniques did you use? Reading the error message, googled and console logging. I ran the code in my console to identify the error - it turned out to be a "NaN" (not a number). To fix the code I needed to define access to the array properly, instead of using a "for" loop I googled the answer which turned out to be using the " …" before the array variable name to access it.
How did you feel throughout the process? Like I was going off the beaten track. It wasn't a well worn path, but I still found the answer nonetheless.
What did you learn? I learned how to go out and look for answers to my problems.
2. elegantly solved a problem:
What was the problem? Refactoring my fizzbuzz code. This wasn't a compulsory problem as part of the challenge, rather a sel-driven one because I love efficiency. Having all that repetitive code did the job, but it wasn't adequate!
What problem-solving techniques did you use? Trying something out. Get the code working, rubber ducky it so I knew exactly what it did so I could refactor the parts which were the same as other shorter methods.
How did you feel throughout the process? Confident that the answer was in there, it was just the format of the code and not the substance that was incorrect.
What did you learn? Attention to detail. Look through the code, the colour coding of Vscode was of great assistance because it turned out by copying the same example, it lost the coding and identified the wrong words as pre-declared when the code wasn't in the first place. Easily fixed by changing the names to result in different properties.
3. Reflect on how confident you feel using each of these problem-solving techniques/processes: 1=not confident, 10 = confident