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"Neuroplasticity is defined as the selective organising of connections between neurons in our brains."

How do principles of neuro plasticity benefit people?

Morale and achievement increase (according to the studies of Lisa Blackwell of Columbia University, along with Kali Trzesniewski and Carol Dweck of Stanford University) when people understand that "intelligence is malleable".

It is crucial to learning and succeeding, especially as a developer because it is an innovative industry where being a self-starter is an asset. Neuroplasticity is the concept of the brain's ability to change through growth and re-organisation. This can be achieved by tackling problems and practicing coding on a daily basis. It is helpful because it conditions the brain day-by-day so that it continues to grow and does not forget. A growth mindset is helpful because it gives you the innate drive to continue to learn and find new ways of solving things.

How might you engage with the principles of neuroplasticity for your own benefit?

I will utilise the concepts and methods, such as practice, repetition, and putting learning into context through connections/relevance to increase my learning.

What are some of the ways to increase your neuroplasticity?

Practice, connecting concepts, reminding myself that "struggle" is not a bad reflection on myself, it is empowering me to grow.

What is a growth mindset?

It is the opposite of a "fixed mindset". A growth mindset is when a person believes that intelligence is not fixed, it can grow and change overtime.

In this exploration, did anything surprise you? Change for you? How will you integrate growth mindset into your learning journey?

Yes, the connection between the ego and your mindset was one that I was not explicitly aware of. I did not realise how much your mindset can be influenced by your ego/pride e.g. appearing smart and not looking dumb. If you are truly open to growing, you will not be bashful when asking questions in pursuit of growth for fear of looking dumb. It taught me to put away my fear of looking dumb and to ask insightful questions for my own growth.

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Growth Mindset