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Javascript & its relationship to HTML/CSS

Write an analogy to describe JS and its relationship to HTML/CSS

The human body.

It's strikingly scary how similar computers are to humans, for example the relationship between Javasript (JS), HTML and CSS.

Think of HTML as the bones. It is the literal skeleton that everything else is built upon. HTML is the content and structure of your webpage. Think of the headers, paragraphs, footer, and so on so forth.

CSS is all to do with appearance. It then adds muscle, skin, eye colour, hair, you name it. Want a part of the page to look a certain way? CSS is there to help. You can see this by looking at a page, ooh, that font colour is nice, so is the background and placement, that is all thanks to CSS.

Last but not least, JS is what makes your page responsive. It is the movement of the body, the functions and commands - kind of like the brains whereas the CSS is the brawn. JS controls what happens when something is triggered, for example if you were to click a button, you could use JS to make that button turn a different colour once it has been clicked.

Explain control flow and loops


Arrays vs Objects

Arrays store data. It can be used to create tables and each "element" in it is commonly seen as being referred to as "i". The key difference between and array and an object is that the information in an array is accessed through its indices. Each item in an array is given a so called "number" or "placement", in otherwords an "index". See the diagram below. To access the value 11, you would do this through index [1].


Objects also store information. However, this information is accessed through something called a "key-value" pairing.

object code example


Functions are a handy tool that lets you break out of the control flow cycle. If your code refers to a function, instead of continuing to run, it will jump straight to the function code and it will then run what the function tells your code to do.

function example

A classic example of a function, is when it takes an input and returns an output according to the function. In our example above, it creates a statement that is customised to how many organges and apples one has. Here, our apple juice is made up of 5 apples and 0 oranges and our apple aorange juice has 2 apples and 4 oranges. You can see that the console then performs the function of telling us what the juice is made up of.